Canadian Mental Health Association-Halton Region

Our Mission: To provide integrated mental health and addiction services to individuals and families using a recovery approach that respects individual uniqueness and choice.



Dear Supporter,

We think you’re amazing.

Here’s why: Your purchase of this coupon book will help your friends and neighbours in Halton get the support they need to improve their health and wellness.

The Canadian Mental Health Association, founded in 1918, is one of the oldest voluntary organizations in Canada. At the Canadian Mental Health Association Halton Region Branch, we promote mental health for all through support services for people living with mental health and/or addiction concerns and health and wellness promotion.
Our services include specialized community support for recovery, phone and mobile crisis intervention, wellness groups, educational presentations and training, and referrals and information about mental health, addictions, and community services. Last year, we helped over 11,000 people on our Mission of “Improving the well-being of our community through high-quality mental health and addiction services”.

With one person in five experiencing a mental health or addiction problem each and every year nation-wide, there is an urgent need for accessible counselling to help people build healthy coping strategies and create positive solutions to improve their health and wellness. Your purchase of this coupon book will help make free walk-in counselling available throughout Halton so more people get the help they need when and where they need it.

Thank you for showing you care about mental health and addictions with your purchase of this Funclips book.

Radhika Subramanyan
Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Mental Health Association Halton Region Branch
1540 Cornwall Road, Suite 102   Oakville, ON   L6J 7W5
1-877-693-4270   24/7 Crisis Line 1-877-825-9011

P.S. Want to know more about mental health, addictions, and supports? Give us a call or visit our website. We’re here to help.


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