Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to use a username or email to login?

We've got you covered! You can log in using either your email or username—whichever suits you best.

How do I log in to my account?

To log in to your account, there are two options: email & password or username & password. Or, through your Google or Facebook accounts.

What can I do if I have forgotten my password?

Go to and click on the log-in tab by the top-right side of screen. Proceed to enter either your username or email, and then below and under the password input box, press on the "forget password?" You will receive a Funclips email notification with instructions to re-set your password.

I’ve forgotten my username and/or email, how do I find it?

You can use either email or username to login to Funclips. If you’ve forgotten which mail you’ve used to sign up, check your Inbox and try to find “Welcome to Funclips” email. There, you can check which email you’ve used to sign up to Funclips.

Which cities do you support?

You can find Funclips deals in Barrie, Greater Toronto Area, Oakville, Mississauga and Orillia.

What items do I need to have ready before going to the shop/business for claiming the deal?

Our response here assumes you had already chosen a deal either with a $1 purchase OR by the "Use My Credits" option. You will have received the "Claim-It" email from Funclips, which outline basic instructions on making use of the deal at the business/shop, i.e. the restaurant or auto repair shop. Any tapping of link(s) contained in this email MUST be left for the business/shop staff once you’ve arrived and are ready to claim the deal (discount).

Once I've purchased my credit package and complete the task of adding them to "My Credits" balance, should I "select" (or reserve) all my deals immediately?

In short "NO". It’s recommended to go ahead; use any deal when you’re good & ready and are confident that you'll want to visit shop/business in a matter of minutes, hours or perhaps even the next day. Ultimately, your approach on site choices are for you to make.

Will new deals be presented on this site?

Yes. New deals will occasionally be posted to this site on a monthly basis; check back for site updates.

Do you have people canvassing door by door?

Depending on the community, there may be representatives distributing "Deal Package" flyers/post cards. Proceeds serve local charity groups:

How do I receive the website verification email?

After you have initially signed up for the site for the first time, you can expect to receive an email from Funclips asking for you to verify your account. You may not receive this email in your usual (everyday) inbox. If you don't spot it within less than 5 minutes, you'll need to check other inbox-type folders, such as your "Junk", "Spam", "Promotional", etc. Take your time while signing up, often times you're looking at less than 10 minutes.

How do credits or deal-credits work?

First you need to obtain credits and add them to your "My Credits" balance. Currently, enjoying any 1 single deal from the site will cost you 1 credit. Over time, your credit balance will reduce each time you're visiting a Sponsor on this site. After that you choose to either buy additional deal credit packages or until you've run out of credits.


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